Life Skills - Needs Assessment
How do I build my skills & reach my full potential?Mental & Behavioral Health Needs Assessment
Life Skills - Strengths-based
How do I build my skills & reach my full potential?Mental & Behavioral Health Strengths-Based Inventory
Stages of Change (SUD)
for Substance Use DisorderWhat stage am I in?Uses the Prochaska & DiClemente Transtheoretical Model (TTM)
Stages of Change (Start)
for Starting a BehaviorWhat stage am I in?Uses the Prochaska & DiClemente Transtheoretical Model (TTM)
Recovery Capital
What am I building to sustain my recovery?Uses the R1 Recovery Capital Model by Dr. David Best
Phases of Addiction
What phase am I in?Uses the Jellinek Curve of Addiction Recovery
Healthy Boundaries
How can I build & maintain healthy relationships?The Practice of Boundary Management
Defense Mechanisms
How do I protect my Self?Vaillant 4-Level Classification
Adverse Childhood Experiences
How does my childhood affect me now?
Consequences of Addiction
99 Not YetsHow has my life become unmanageable?Uses Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Substance Use (Relapse) Triggers
What do I need to look out for?Includes Gorski's High Risk Situations
Emotional Triggers
What do I need to look out for?
Substance Use (Relapse) Warning Signs
Am I on a path towards relapse?Uses the Gorski Relapse Model of Addiction Recovery
Trauma-Informed Care (ME) – for Staff
How do I instill the 6 principles in practice?6 Guiding Principles for Practitioners and Staff
Trauma-Informed Care (WE) – for Organizations
How do we instill the 6 principles in practice?6 Guiding Principles for Organizational Supervision
Substance Use
What is it?Do I have a problem?Uses Mental Health Diagnostic Criteria
Emotions & Feelings
How can I build & maintain my emotional well-being?The Practice of Emotional Regulation
Grief & Loss
How do I experience grief & be resilientUses the 7 States of Change Model
What are my values — am I living them?Uses the Schwartz Values Model
Career Interests
What type of work suits me best?Uses the Holland RAISEC Model
How can I practice positive self-talk?The Practice of Positive Thinking